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Feats for Citified Heroes

Feats for Citified Heroes

From the most sprawling metropolises to brisk market towns, each urban settlement is a living thing. Every city has its own rhythm, a heartbeat that drives the thousands of lives, and with each rhythm comes unique peculiarities that adventurers need to deal with. Far from the remote, sometimes solitary life of the wilds, in the cities there are countless lives that can get in the way, both socially and physically, including the local watch trying to keep the peace—whatever that means for the city in question.

Endoran Militia

Endoran Militia

There is no high king or empress of Endora— instead each demesne provides annual tithes to the Endoran Militia and becomes responsible for its command for a given year. Endoran citizens born on the third Aluday of Parra are consigned into service from birth, sworn by their parents to serve their demesne when the time comes in an ancient practice drafted from rules established in the Imperial Age long ago. As one of the children born on the fateful third Aluday of Parra, you were handed over to one of the demesnes of Endora and raised along other infant conscripts.

Ostinad Horselord

Ostinad Horselord

The wide sweeping plains and grasslands of Ostinad are home to the horse lords of Elissar, but this place southeast of Endora is a region and not a nation—there is no capital or king or even an army, only the swords pledged to each horse lord. Ostinads lead free and semi-nomadic lives that are as harsh as they are rewarding, any disputes between different groups won out with contests that demand the best of all participants.

Void Maw

Void Maw

-level (

You reach out into the perilous void to create an orb of hungry shadows, making a ranged spell attack that deals 1d6 necrotic damage. Inanimate corpses and Tiny or smaller nonmagical objects hit by this spell disintegrate into nothing. If this spell kills a creature, the corpse disintegrates into nothing.



Lycanthropes are defined by their ability to transform. While every lycanthrope receives specific traits depending on the animal their curse is related to, their transformations share some traits.
