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Children of Zev

Children of Zev

Across the Astral Plane sail the ships of the Children of Zev. Pirates of the most joyous order, the Children of Zev fly their black flag with the symbol of Zev (resembling a sharp, barbed V with looping arms) emblazoned in gold at its heart. For while they are pirates, it is certainly true, they are among the more noble. Even as they battle their hated foe, the khalkoi, they do so with a heart bursting with hope against all odds.

Characters raised in the child of zev culture have a variety of traits in common.



While the Children of Zev laud the ancient king, the zevanchists have a different perspective: an ancient power abusing his position and the people he forced onto the Astral Plane. Far more contemplative than their cousins, zevanchists build monasteries and homes on asteroids of matter adrift in the Astral and remote islands on the Astral Seas. Their buildings all bear the inverted symbol of Zev (resembling a sharp, barbed V with looping arms) in brilliant crimson to remind all to question authority and its origins.



Whether it came from army training, time with a mercenary band, a military education, or some less-conventional source, you’ve been taught the art of war. Battle is far more than just swinging a sword, after all, and you likely spend as much time with tactical manuals and maps as you do conventional weapons.

Where did you gain this level of tactical ability? Do you hire your skills out to the highest bidder or did you take jobs on moral grounds? Or do you just seek out excitement and adventure to test your skills?



You’ve had to make a living with your fists, but you’ve never had time to develop a particularly attractive style of fighting. The world is a rough place to make it in, and if that meant breaking a chair over your opponent’s head or taking them down with a grapple, then so be it.

With this brutal fighting style at your disposal, did you seek out excitement and opponents or was fighting for pay merely a grim reality? Did you leave a trail of broken bodies or reluctant admirers in your wake?
