Arcane Lock
Arcane Lock
The target is sealed to all creatures except those you designate (who can open the object normally). Alternatively, you may choose a password that suppresses this spell for 1 minute when it is spoken within 5 feet of the target.
Arcane Hand
Arcane Hand
You create a Large hand of shimmering, translucent force that mimics the appearance and movements of your own hand.
The hand doesn’t fill its space and has AC 20, Strength 26 (+8), Dexterity 10 (+0), maneuver DC 18, and hit points equal to your hit point maximum. The spell ends early if it is dropped to 0 hit points.
When you cast the spell and as a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can move the hand up to 60 feet and then choose one of the following.
Arcane Muscles
Arcane Muscles
Your muscles swell with arcane power. They’re too clumsy to effectively wield weapons but certainly strong enough for a powerful punch.
Arcane Riposte
Arcane Riposte
You respond to an incoming attack with a magically-infused attack of your own. Make a melee spell attack against the creature that attacked you. If you hit, the creature takes 3d6 acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage.
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when a creature makes a melee attack against you
Arcane Sword
Arcane Sword
You summon an insubstantial yet deadly sword to do your bidding.
Arcanist’s Magic Aura
Arcanist’s Magic Aura
You craft an illusion to deceive others about the target’s true magical properties.
Choose one or both of the following effects. When cast upon the same target with the same effect for 30 successive days, it lasts until it is dispelled.
False Aura: A magical target appears nonmagical, a nonmagical target appears magical, or you change a target’s magical aura so that it appears to belong to a school of magic of your choosing. Additionally, you can choose to make the false magic apparent to any creature that handles the item.
Aspect of the Moon
Aspect of the Moon
You throw your head back and howl like a beast, embracing your most basic impulses. Until the spell ends your hair grows, your features become more feral, and sharp claws grow on your fingers. You gain a +1 bonus to AC, your Speed increases by 10 feet, you have advantage on Perception checks, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 slashing damage.
Astral Projection
Astral Projection
Until the spell ends, the targets leave their material bodies (
With the aid of a divining tool, you receive an omen from beyond the Material Plane about the results of a specific course of action that you intend to take within the next 30 minutes. The Narrator chooses from the following:
You impart sentience in the target, granting it an Intelligence of 10 and proficiency in a language you know. A plant targeted by this spell gains the ability to move, as well as senses identical to those of a human.